Hope for Life - A Weekly Newsletter from Dr. Casey B. Hough
A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing
Because of Who He Is

Because of Who He Is

A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing (2/7/2023)

A Verse

Psalm 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation -
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life -
of whom shall I be afraid?

A Comment

I love how David ties his confidence to the character of God. Because of the LORD is his light, his salvation, the stronghold of his life, David had no grounds to fear or be afraid.

This is true for the believer as well. Our confidence is not in our light but in God, who is light. Our confidence is not in our ability to save ourselves but in God, our salvation. Our confidence is not in our own strength but in God, the stronghold over our life.

O’ how sweet it is that God’s character is sure and steadfast, which secures our safety as his people.

A Prayer

Would you pray with me?

A Blessing

The God of peace be with you all. Amen