Hope for Life - A Weekly Newsletter from Dr. Casey B. Hough
A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing
Our Inheritance

Our Inheritance

A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing (4/28/2022)

A Verse

Ephesians 1:11-12

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory.

A Comment

What does it mean to have obtained an inheritance? As adopted children into the family, all the blessings that belong to us are secured for us by Christ. There is no risk of our Father removing us from His family. We belong to Him as a direct result of his choice of us in Christ. He has started a good work in us that He is faithful to complete in us. Thus, while outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed, day by day, in the hope of the fulness of salvation that we are yet to receive. We inherit salvation and its many blessings because we have become God’s children by God’s choice in Christ.

A Prayer

O’ LORD, help us to see our inheritance in Christ. We are children by adoption. We belong to You because of You. Let us glory in Your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Blessing

Now the God of hope,
fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow in hope. Amen.

from Grace Be with You: Benedictions from Dale Ralph Davis