Hope for Life - A Weekly Newsletter from Dr. Casey B. Hough
A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing
Remember When (Part 1)

Remember When (Part 1)

A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing (6/9/2022)

A Verse

Ephesians 2:11-12

Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands— remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.

A Comment

Paul’s argument in verses 11-12 is similar to what we saw last week in verses 1-3, except this time, instead of describing our situation apart from God in terms of spiritual death, Paul focuses on what our spiritual condition outside of Christ meant for our status as the people of God. In simple terms, Paul states, “you were once Gentiles” who were regarded as unclean participants in the pagan religions of the nations that do not recognize the true God. You were cut off from the hope of God’s promise. God had no covenantal obligation to you. For God had made His covenant with Israel, which we see in Exodus 20. And that nation with whom God had made His covenant was called to circumcise their males on the 8th day after their birth. Circumcision, along with the Sabbath, were the signs of the covenant that God made with Israel. And the Gentiles had no part in those promises. That is, they had no part in the promises of God until God cut a New Covenant.

The New Covenant, however, would be different from the Old Covenant. With the Old Covenant, you were a member of the covenant people by virtue of your family and your obedience to the law. With the New Covenant, you are a member of the covenant people by virtue of faith in Christ apart from works of the laws. What a blessing to be included in God’s people through union with Jesus Christ!

A Prayer

Take a moment to join me in prayer, thanking God for His mercy to include those of us who were far from Him.

A Blessing

And now hear what Yahweh says,
The One who created you, Oh Jacob,
the One who formed you, Oh Israel:
‘Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed
you, I have called you by name. You are
mine. When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you. And through the
rivers, they will not wash you away. When
you walk through fire, you will not be
scorched, and the flame will not burn you.
For I am Yahweh, your God, the holy One
of Israel, your Savior.’ Amen.

from Dale Ralph Davis, Grace Be with You: Benedictions from Dale Ralph Davis