Hope for Life - A Weekly Newsletter from Dr. Casey B. Hough
A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing
Saints in Christ

Saints in Christ

A Verse, A Comment, A Prayer, A Blessing (3/29/2022)

A Verse

Ephesians 1:2

To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:

A Comment

The NIV translates the Greek word, hagios, as “holy people.” We most often hear this word translated as “saints.” It is vital for Christians to remember that our status as “saints,” as the “holy people of God,” is rooted in our relationship to Christ. We are “saints, holy ones” because we are “in Christ Jesus.” Apart from Christ, we are nothing.

A Prayer

O’ Jesus, thank you for taking sinful people and making them your own. We are saints because we have been united to You by faith through the work of the Holy Spirit. We belong to You because of Your grace. Thank you for saving us! In Your name, Amen.

A Blessing

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.​